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Frugal tasks and why I need to budget properly.

For some people living on one income isnt a big deal. My partner didnt have a job for a few weeks and we struggled.. Once rent was paid, there was very little left over. We could afford a small shop of a few items we had run out of. A couple of bills came in and I didnt have to pay them all. I extended our electricity bill to make it a bit easier. I had started to budget a little while ago but found it hard to fully stick to it. Once my partner get his first proper pay with his new job, I will fix our budget accordingly. I made a list of the frugal tasks I started to/continued to do while we only had once income. ~ made a coffee in a keep cup to take to work every morning. That's a saving of $4 a day. ~ took morning tea and lunch to work every day. Saving at least $8 a day. ~ took a reusable water bottle everywhere I went. ~ gave myself a haircut. I watched a few YouTube videos before hand. I'm very pleased with the results, it wasnt anything drastic, just a trim. ~
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Camping is a great hobby as well as being a frugal getaway/holiday. Buying all your equipment can be very costly but it will last you a long time if you look after it. For us, we started small, we borrowed a small tent, bought a cheap inflatable mattress, I already had a little butane gas cooker and he had sleeping bags and small fridge. We always went with a group so what we didn't have we could borrow from someone else. Over the years if there is a good sale we would pick up another item, or we would save for a bigger item. It pays to do your research and cheaper isn't always better when it comes to sleeping in the weather and all round durability. We are now fully equipped to do a camping trip by ourselves if we wish. Once all the equipment has been purchased, the camping trip can be as cheap as you make it. We usually go stay in a state forest as the rules are different to a national park, very rarely do we camp in a place with entry fees so all we need to pay

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Better Be Thrifty! First of all I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Siân, I'm 25 and I'm starting my journey living thrifty and frugally. At the moment my partner and I are renting. We would love to buy our own place but right now it's not in our near future. By changing our lifestyle and the way we spend and save money, we should be able to make our dream a reality a bit quicker. On this blog I'll be posting about the plants I'm growing, the food I'm cooking, the crafts I'm making and selling. My main inspiration for all of this is Wendy from My Abundant Life,   I first saw wendy on ACA and found her blog through that. I just love how resourceful she is and always has been. In the past there has been a lot of things we have bought even though we haven’t really needed, and we know that. We aren’t at the point that we want to sell those items. Because we still use them, for example gaming consoles and